2012 Flags of Glory Honor Roll

The following were honored during the 2012 Flags of Glory display.


Paul Baldy US Army
Calvin Ellison US Coast Guard
Jason Lang US Army
Armand Manning US Army
Jesse Phillips US Marines
Mark Weaver Jr. US Army


Steve Bradley US Air Force
Frank Byrd US Navy
Patricia Byrd US Army
Liston Eli Cartledge US Army/USAF
Walter Cotton US Navy
Fred Garrett US Army
Walter Emri Heady US Army
Charles Lambert US Navy
Claude Robinson US Navy
Harvey Scribner US Air Force
Harold Scribner US Navy
Harold Trull US Army/US Navy
William Tunnell US Navy
John Williams Sr. US Army
William Wolfarth US Army


Ray Champion US Marines
Richard Dutton US Navy
John Givens US Army
Raymond Lawrence US Army
Thomas Lloyd US Army
Robert Martin US Army Air Corp
America’s Military All Branches
Sherman Williams US Army
Vietnam Veterans All Branches
American Veterans All Branches


Bill Atkeison US Army
Robert Dennistion US Navy
Glenn Frazier US Army
Herndon Inge US Army
G F Montiel US Navy
Richard Pennington US Air Force
Richard Perl US Marines
Hal Pierce US Navy
Dale Taylor US Coast Guard
Thomas Cameron US Coast Guard
Fernando Jorge US Coast Guard
Andrew Knight US Coast Guard


Henry Allen Jr US Navy
Joel Blake US Navy
James Brodbeck US Navy/Coast Grd
Dan Brown US Navy
Elbert Bryan US Marines
Thomas Buckley US Army
Alvin Busby Sr. US Navy
Harry Butler US Navy
James Byrd Jr. US Air Force
Aden Jack Cooper US Marines
Jack Cowart US Navy
Edward Crabtree US Military
Donald Curry US Army
Phillip Darby US Marines
Richard Duffield US Air Force
Robert Feltcher US Air Force
Horace Freeman US Navy
Herman Gordon US Marines
Billy Griffis US Army
Raymond Griffith US Army
Charles Hammel US Army
Dr. William Harrison III US Army
George Harwell US Army
Harvey Herman US Army
Leroy Hill US Army
Delbert Hubbard US Army
Nelson Hunter US Army
Stacy Jones US Army
Homer Kitchens US Navy
Robert Lambert US Air Force
Louis Lartigue Jr. US Army
Louis Lartigue Sr. US Army
Eugene Masters US Navy
Julius Masters US Air Force
Richard Masters US Navy
Louis Mayo US Air Force
Joseph McCormack US Army
Matthew McDaniel US Army
James Oliver Sr. US Air Force
Milton Perl US Army
Douglas Pierre US Air Force
Jeffrey Pool US Army
Curtis Powell US Army
Ernest Powell US Army
David Savell US Army
Sam Schoolfield Sr. US Marines
John Sims Jr US Army
A.B. Snodgrass US Air Force
Charles Stahl US Navy
Charles Stuart Sr. US Navy
Fred Taylor US Marines
Robert Warren US Army
William Wassman US Navy
Gregory Scot Williams US Marines
Gregory Williams US Navy
Woodrow Wilson US Air Force
Joseph Zarour US Army

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