How To Write Your Own Obituary

The person who knows you best is yourself. By writing your own obituary, you save the burden of your loved ones to write one for you at a time that may be difficult. Be sure to let your loved ones know where your important forms can be found and kept safe, such as life insurance, your will and your obituary. You can also give a copy to your attorney. 

Begin with a recent picture of yourself

Start by choosing a photo for your obituary. Preferably choose a self-portrait, but also a picture that you think represents your happiest self. You are also welcome to provide a picture when you were younger. Providing a photo will offer loved ones a way to remember you and showcase the sweet memories made throughout your life.

Basic Short Information 

Below your picture, your full name should be printed followed by your birthdate year. Adding this information is the most important part of your obituary, as it makes it easier to quickly identify whose obituary it belongs to.

Introduce yourself 

This part includes your full name, what city and state where you born, as well your current position title or any past positions titles that you feel are important and make up who you are today. These position titles can include your work titles such as “manager” and or even personal titles such as “mother”.

Talk about your life

This is your life, therefore, your obituary. Don’t be afraid to talk about what you think sums up your life. You may talk about your upbringings, your hardships that made your stronger, your loved ones who were there for you and your greatest accomplishments. 

Write about your legacy 

What do you want your loved ones to know what you leave behind? It could be a lesson learned, a quote or a tradition you want your loved ones to follow. Write about something you want everyone to remember you for. For example, these can include your positive characteristics.

Family left behind

List family that have deceased with their full name and their relationship to you in the order that they passed from oldest to the most recent. Also, list members of your family that will be left behind. Include family such as your children, your parents and any important members that need to be mentioned. This should be updated as time passes and gives other people knowledge of your family that has passed and ones that are still living,

Conclude your Obituary 

Make it meaningful and talk about what life meant to you in a few strong words. These words will forever stay in your loved one's hearts and any family that will read it in the future. Most people choose to include three bold words that best represent their life, although you can choose anything that may sum up your life.

Although writing an obituary may seem rather daunting, it should be an inspirational piece to yourself to represent who you are. This will give you peace of mind knowing that you wrote about yourself to your best knowledge and that others will read it accordingly. It is never too early to get started and plan.

If you need assistance in writing your own obituary, reach out to Mobile Memorial Gardens Cemetery. Consider talking to your family or to us about cemetery options or taking a tour of our beautiful gardens grounds. We are a hometown not-for-profit cemetery servicing for all funeral homes in Mobile, AL. Contact us at 251-661-1333 or visit us online at

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