Clay Jenkins - Mobile Memorial Gardens

Clay Jenkins


Private Clay T. Jenkins, died peacefully in his home on Wednesday, February 13, 2019 in Mobile, Alabama at the age of 87. Clay is survived by his loving wife of 63 years, Pat Jenkins, his two daughters Rebecca Lynch (Wade) and Angela Ware (Adrian), three grandchildren Lindsay Lynch-Malinowsky (David), Ian Ware, and Sarah Lynch, one great granddaughter Evaline Rebekah Malinowsky and sister Barbara Murphy. He is preceded in death by his grandson Brian Colin Lynch, his mother, and three siblings.
Clay was born on November 12, 1931 in Jasper, Alabama. After serving in the Korean War, he worked for Dairy Fresh Corporation for 40 years before retiring. A funeral is scheduled for Saturday, February 16, 2019 at 11am at Mobile Memorial Gardens Funeral Home. Visitation will be held from 9:00-11:00. All are welcome to attend and celebrate Clay’s life. In lieu of flowers, the Jenkins family asks you to donate to the charity of your choice. Burial will be in Mobile Memorial Gardens.

A chapel service will be held at 11am on Saturday, 02/16/2019 from Mobile Memorial Gardens Funeral Home, followed by a committal service at the grave site.

Condolences For 
"Clay Jenkins"

  1. I have never met a more kind, loving, sweet and God-loving man I call my Uncle Clay. He has been my friend, my mentor, as well as a grandfather figure to my two boys, Kenzie and Daniel. I am so thankful you have been in my family's life, prayed for me during my surgeries, sat by my pool and ate Danny's wonderful grilled food. I will miss our time we spent together over the many years and rejoicing when Alabama won again. Roll Tide Roll!! I love you my buddy. Your special niece, Cathy

  2. I have never met a more kind, loving, sweet and God-loving man I call my Uncle Clay. He has been my friend, my mentor, as well as a grandfather figure to my two boys, Kenzie and Daniel. I am so thankful you have been in my family's life, prayed for me during my surgeries, sat by my pool and ate Danny's wonderful grilled food. I will miss our time we spent together over the many years and rejoicing when Alabama won again. Roll Tide Roll!! I love you my buddy. Your special niece, Cathy

  3. M. Clay I have known since the age of 4 having grown up next door to he, Pat and the girls. He was always so kind, gentle natured and truly a great man. Loved his family, and everyone who ever met him, thought him funny, and sincere. I will miss my coffee visits we had shared in the past few years since I had moved back to Mobile. My love goes out to Pat, Angela, Adrian, Ian, Becky, Wade, and all the family. I will miss him.

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