Ruth Gunderson - Mobile Memorial Gardens

Ruth Gunderson

Ruth Gunderson departed her loving family on March 26, 2021. Ruth was born in East Orange on January 23, 1928 to David and Lillian Lichtenstein. Ruth was mother to Richard Gunderson, Gail O'Kelley and Kim Montella. She raised her children with love and devotion in Bradley Beach New Jersey with her husband Harold Gunderson. She is survived by her children Richard Gunderson and Gail O'Kelley, her grandchildren James O'Kelley, Kyle Gunderson and Mary Kate Park and her great-grandchildren, Eunbi and Enesco. She was a secretary at Monmouth County Division of Social Services for 10 years up until she retired. Visitation will be held Thursday April 1, 2021, 12:00 PM at Mobile Memorial Garden Funeral Home. Graveside service and burial will follow at 2:00 PM.
A graveside service will be held at 2pm on Thursday, 04/01/21.

Condolences For 
"Ruth Gunderson"

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