S.D. Smith - Mobile Memorial Gardens

S.D. Smith

Condolences For 
"S.D. Smith"

  1. Our prayers for the Smith family. S.D. will be greatly missed. He was the best neighbor anyone could ever have. He always had the best garden and would share with us, we were so thankful. Our little dog, Pepper will be missing her treats he would give her at the fence. The were great friends.
    Love to you all,
    Tom & Becky Hancock

  2. To all the Family and Friends of S.D.
    I know each and every one of you will sorely miss S.D. as I will also. He was a great man of good standards and family values. He was friend to everyone he ever crossed paths with as he never met a stranger. S.D. was wise and knowledgable in all aspects of life and would give the shirt off of his back to help anyone in need. He was great entertainer with the many many stories he liked to share of his experiences in life and would share them with anyone willing to lend ear. I never tired of listening as he shared his wisdom because we all know that wisdom is wealth. And last but not least, S.D. loved all of the children, and made effort to let them know he cared. If the young ones can only remember one thing about S.D it would be that he was the "Juicy-fruit Man". I hope each and every one of you can choose a memory such as that to cherish and remember him by, as I know he would want you all to think happy thoughts in remembrance of him, and celebrate his life, rather than his passing. He is in very good hands now, as we all will be one day and I am quite sure that the Lord has a very special place reserved for S.D. for all eternity. May he Rest in Peace!

    With Love,
    David J. Bower
    Grand Bay, AL

  3. SD was a great man.He always had a smile on his face and he put a smile on your face .SD always had gum for the kids and the kids ate it up .We will miss him alot .

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